Compilers and Operating Systems -- January 17. 1995.

These slides are from a panel session at the 1995 ARPA San Diego PI meeting.
Panel overview
Bershad's overview of the panel and the reasons for pulling it together. Contains several "hidden messages."
Larry Peterson talks about program and system specialization in Scout.
Specialization in Synthetix
Calton Pu's presentation of the Synthetix Operating Systems.
Dynamic Code Generation at UW
Susan Eggers' presentation of DCG at UW
Software fault isolation at CMU
Steve Lucco speaks on software fault isolation.
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Next talk: Postscript page isolation -- a technology for increasing preview complexity.
Peter Lee speaks on modularity and ML.
Parallel irregular datastructures (No Slides)
Joel Saltz tells about how to compiler for irregular parallal structures.
Portable Parallel Programming (No slides)
David Wood talks abvout Typhoon.